
Propaganda in the media is often carried out to gain power or strengthen legitimacy. In 2024–2028, the Indonesian government will again hold general elections (PILEG), which are held every five years. The object of this research is a special program broadcast on Channel 84 Television MNC NEWS. The theory used in this research is propaganda theory applied to reporting on television. The research method is Framing Analysis Gamson and Modigliani, with a constructivist qualitative approach. The data collection technique carries out content analysis of Entman’s framing. There are 33 News stories regarding Political Reporting about the 2024 election. The research results show that the owner of the Perindo Party, Harry Tanoesudibjo, who is also the owner of MNC News Morning, uses all the content formed in the framing of MNC News Morning according to the political policies and interests of the media owner.


The Presidential election (pilpres) of the Republic of Indonesia is a crucial five-year agenda for the Indonesian nation. As is known, Indonesia is one of the countries that adheres to democracy as its government system. Suppose we refer to the history of large countries that triumphed with the concept of democracy and the nation’s predecessors who initiated the government system. In that case, this democratic government system is believed to be in accordance with the nation’s character (Tanjung, 2023).

Indonesia has two electoral systems: the Legislative and the Presidential Election. Legislative elections aim to elect members of the People’s Representative Council (DPR), Regional Representative Council (DPD), and Regional People’s Representative Council (DPRD) and are held before the presidential election. The purpose of the Presidential Election is to elect the President and Vice President. It is held after the legislative election to ensure the requirements for President running are fulfilled. The people directly elect the President and Vice President. In 2024–2028, the Indonesian government will again hold general elections. For the election to run well and be successful, the election is socialized to the public in various ways, conveyed through political mass media communication. Mass media is a means of disseminating information to the public, which greatly influences human behavior (Tanjung, 2023). According to Bungin (2008), mass media is defined as communication and information media that disseminates information on a mass scale and can be accessed by the general public. In terms of meaning, mass media is a tool or means for disseminating news content, opinions, comments, entertainment, and so forth.

The process of spreading communication via mass media so quickly and widely is widely used by political figures to convey their political messages to the public. This is what people usually call propaganda. Propaganda in politics plays a very important role because it is one of the approaches to political persuasion apart from advertising and rhetoric. In practice, propaganda collaborates with world political messages to gain persuasive influence. Almost all persuasive approaches to audiences in the Reformation era place mass media as a channel instrument that must be used (Bunginet al., 2019).

The main characteristic of propaganda activities (Tahiret al., 2020; Tjhai & Paramita, 2020) is communication. Propaganda in the media is often carried out to gain power or strengthen legitimacy. A propagandist is a person or small group who reaches a larger collective audience. In this activity, there are many goals to be achieved in the practice of propaganda. Propaganda has three objectives, namely:

  1. Influencing public opinion: Propaganda does not only communicate facts that can influence public opinion on a particular issue. So, one of the goals of propaganda is to change the public’s views/perceptions about an action that will be followed in accordance with that opinion. This change in opinion can be positive or negative.
  2. Manipulating emotions: Propaganda can be carried out using several techniques, such as manipulating words, sounds, and nonverbal message symbols, to arouse the audience’s emotions, often even done in dangerous ways for the propagandists.
  3. Raising support or resistance: The main goal of propaganda is to change the attitudes and behavior of targets to support or reject a particular issue. This propaganda aims to change a person’s attitude and behavior towards other behavior.

Until now, propaganda has become an interesting topic, which is still used by political figures in playing their roles in the political arena. Politicians and opinion leaders understand the media as a powerful aspect of influencing voters. So, entering the political year towards the upcoming 2024–2028 PILEG, propaganda is very clearly visible in news programs on TV stations, one of which is MNC NEWS Morning, in the progsus program on Channel 84.

Mass media is the most powerful tool used by the ruling class to manipulate the masses. It shapes and controls opinions and behavior and determines what is normal and acceptable. Forms of media designed to reach a mass audience include television, film, radio, newspapers, magazines, books, records, video games, and the internet. Many studies have been conducted in the past century to measure the effects of mass media on populations in order to find the best techniques to influence them. The science of Communication emerged from the study, which is used in marketing, public relations, and politics. Mass communication is an important tool in ensuring the functionality of a large democracy, but it is also a tool necessary for dictatorship. It all depends on its use (Florina & Hartati, 2017).

The mass communication process, apart from involving communication elements as usual, requires the role of mass media as a tool for conveying or disseminating information (McQuail, 2014; Zulkarnain, 2015). Television is one of the electronic mass media communication tools that is very popular with audiences. Television is an audio guide in terms of broadcasting and video in terms of moving images. Television signals (television signs) consist of two integrated parts: a frequency-modulated sound channel and a video channel. Television is an effective mass media for conveying messages to its audience (Brindana, 2016; Fiske & Hartley, 2004; Mansur, 2018).

Progsus is an abbreviation for special programs in the news broadcast program on MNC NEWS Morning. This program is information that must be broadcast in news programs. The content presented is varied but mostly contains political issues. An example is the activities of the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Sandiaga Uno, with various activities that must be completed, or the Minister of Defense, Prabowo Subianto, with many activities in the ranks of Indonesian President Joko Widodo’s cabinet.

According to Morissan (2008), a broadcast program is an event or broadcast program plan presented by a television station as a broadcasting institution to meet the audience’s needs. In another definition of television, it can be concluded that everything broadcast on mass media is a show or program. In general, television broadcast programs are divided into two parts: popular entertainment programs, called entertainment programs, and information, also called news programs.

Broadcasting and broadcasting were born thanks to the development of electronic technology, which was applied in the form of communication and information technology and was specifically designed for the communication process between humans by broadcasting or transmitting via electromagnetic waves. Meanwhile, broadcasting is the activity of organizing radio or television broadcasts, which are organized by radio or television organizations. Broadcasting, also known in English as broadcasting, is the entire process of delivering broadcasts, starting from the preparation of production materials, production, preparation of broadcast materials, then broadcasting to the reception of the broadcast by listeners or viewers in one place (Ismailet al., 2019; Yoedtadiet al., 2017).

A broadcast program can be defined as a part or segment of a radio or television broadcast as a whole. So, it gives the understanding that in the overall broadcast, several programs are broadcast. Alternatively, it can be said that the entire broadcast of one broadcasting station is composed of several broadcast programs (KN Mabruri, 2018).

There are many soap operas on our television screens that, if we look more closely, are slanderous, inflammatory, misleading, and false. This is clearly contrary to Broadcasting Law 32/2002. The majority of television shows are (1) soap operas, which are all extra (extra sadistic, extra unlucky, extra good, extra rich, extra mystical, extra beautiful, and other extras); (2) gossip shows, which every second come with various titles but are uniform in substance; (3) crime shows, which do not warn its audience to be alert but instead scares and shows off the bravery of the authorities or the sadism of the perpetrators. This means that the shows tend to be unrealistic, create hyper-reality, and are difficult for reason to accept. This unrealistic nature of making up hyperrealism and difficulty being accepted by reason occurs in mystical shows and non-mystical shows.

Many are “new” but “old stock,” aka duplicates or just talking about other popular programs. TV shows can be said to reflect culture in society so that what happens on the screen is a reflection of what happens in society. In TV media, the highest ratings are for shows that contain violence, gossip, and mystery. Whether we like it or not, we must admit that that is the picture of our society today. People mostly like watching negative talks about others, violence, and mysterious things (occult; Poernomoet al., 2022).

Propaganda (from modern Latin: propagare, which means to develop or expand) is a series of messages that aim to influence the opinions and behavior of society or a group of people. Propaganda does not convey information objectively but provides information designed to influence those who hear or see it. In Laswell’s classic work, Propaganda Technique in WWI.

Lasswel (1927, as cited in Mansel, 2016; Mattingly & Yao, 2022) explained that propaganda refers to controlling opinion with essential symbols, speaking more concretely and less forcefully through stories, rumors, news, images, or other forms of social communication. Propaganda, in the broadest sense, is a technique of influencing human actions by manipulating representations (presentations). Representations can be verbal, written, pictures, or music (Mansell, 2016; Mattingly & Yao, 2022).

Propaganda means developing or expanding a series of messages that aim to influence the opinions and behavior of society or a group of people. Propaganda does not convey information objectively but provides information designed to influence those who hear or see it. Propaganda sometimes conveys the correct message but is often misleading, where generally, the content of propaganda only conveys selected facts that can produce a certain influence or produce more emotional reactions than rational reactions. The goal is to change the narrative cognitive thoughts of subjects in the target group for a specific interest. Propaganda is a deliberate and systematic effort to shape perceptions, manipulate thoughts or cognition, and directly influence behavior to provide the response the propagandist desires (Huang & Cruz, 2022).

Propaganda in politics is a very important aspect of politics. Propaganda itself means a series of messages aimed at influencing the opinions and behavior of society or a group of people. Meanwhile, according to Garth S Jowett and Victoria O’Donnell in their book Propaganda And Persuasion (Jowett & O’Donnel, 2015), propaganda is a deliberate and systematic effort to form perceptions, manipulate thoughts, and direct behavior to get the reaction that the propagandist wants. Another definition from Jacques Ellul (Chaudhari & Pawar, 2021) defines propaganda as communication used by an organized group that wants to create active or passive participation in the actions of a mass consisting of individuals united psychologically and joined in a group or organization. However, from several definitions of propaganda, the aims and objectives are more or less the same, namely influencing people’s opinions or groups of people.

From various sources’ opinions, propaganda is not necessarily as bad as the perception we believe. Sometimes, propaganda conveys correct information, but what we find is often misleading because not all of the information conveyed is conveyed.

According to its nature, propaganda can be grouped as follows: (1) White propaganda is propaganda that honestly, correctly, sportingly conveys the content of the message, and the source is clear. (2) Black propaganda is cunning, false, and dishonest propaganda, and it accuses other sources of carrying out these activities. (3) Gray propaganda is propaganda whose source is unclear. Its aim is vague, thus giving rise to doubt (Godber & Origgi, 2023).

Holsti (Ahmad, 2018; Najmiet al., 2022; Mattingly & Yao, 2022) noted many techniques for conveying messages:

  1. Name-calling: Propagandists touch emotional symbols to a person or a country. The target is expected to respond as the propagandist desires without needing to check again or look for evidence.
  2. Glittering generality: This is similar to the first number technique but is used to depict an idea or policy rather than an individual.
  3. Proparagantist transfer: It seeks to identify an idea, person, country, or policy with something else to make the target of the propaganda agree or disagree.
  4. Plain folks: Propagandists are aware that their cause is hampered if they appear to their audience as “foreigners.” Therefore, they try to identify as closely as possible with the values and lifestyle of the target of the propaganda.
  5. Testimonials: Propagandists use trustworthy individuals or institutions to support or criticize an idea or political entity.
  6. Selection: Almost all propagandists, even when using other techniques as reviewed previously, rely on a selection of facts, although rarely are very specific in the content of the facts. When a detailed presentation is given, the propagandist uses only the available facts to “prove” his stated goal.
  7. Bandwagon: This technique plays on the feelings of the audience to suit the masses. This technique is similar to testimonials, but the masses are the way to attract attention. For example, communist propagandists often use the expression “the whole world knows that...” or “all people who love peace admit that...” If they aim to achieve sympathy, they will strengthen their attitude by demonstrating that they are on the “right” side along with everyone else.
  8. Frustration scapegoat: One easy way to create resentment or channel frustration is to create a scapegoat.
  9. Fear: Awareness can be raised and attitudes changed when audiences are aware of imminent obstacles or threats to their lives and well-being. In times of international crisis, the government actively mobilizes its people to express solidarity when they face their enemies. Nuclear threats are used to encourage arms control and disarmament. It identifies as closely as possible with the values and lifestyle of the target of the propaganda.
  10. Testimonials: Here, propagandists use trustworthy individuals or institutions to support or criticize an idea or political entity.
  11. Selection: Nearly all propagandists, even when using other techniques as reviewed previously, rely on a selection of facts, although rarely are very specific in the content of the facts. When a detailed presentation is given, the propagandist uses only the available facts to “prove” his stated goal.

It is important for researchers to find political propaganda in the MNC NEWS Morning program because the actual campaign has not yet taken place. Based on this background explanation, the formulation of the problem that this scientific paper tries to find an answer to is:

H 1 : What is the specific frame of political propaganda in the Progsus program, in the MNC NEWS Morning program on Channels 84?


This research uses a constructivist paradigm with a qualitative and explanatory approach. The research method uses the Framing Analysis Method. With a qualitative approach, this research uses data collection techniques by studying documentation on propaganda content in the MNC NEWS Morning program from May to June 2023.

Researchers began research in May and June 2023 in the MNC News Morning news program. The researcher selected a number of political news broadcasts. After repeated reading, the researcher found 32 political news stories containing information that led to the propaganda category.

The data will be analyzed using the Gamson and Modigliani Framing analysis technique (device). In their formulation, frames are seen as a way of telling a story (storyline) or ideas that are arranged in such a way and present the construction of meaning from events related to a discourse (Eriyanto, 2009; Afgiansyah, 2023). Explained further, the perspective that ultimately determines Gamson and Modigliani calls what facts are taken, which parts are highlighted, and where the news will go is called the package. This package is a kind of scheme or understanding structure that individuals use to interpret the meaning of the messages they receive. The framing device proposed by Gamson and Modigliani (1989) is given in Table I.

Framing devices Reasoning devices
Frame: The central organizing idea for making sense of relevant events, suggesting what is at issue.– Metaphors: Parables or presuppositions.– Catchphrases: An interesting, contrasting, prominent phrase in a discourse. This generally takes the form of jargon or a slogan.– Exemplars: Relating the frame to examples and descriptions (can be a theory or comparison) that clarify the frame.– Depictions: Connotative depiction or portrayal of an issue. This depiction generally takes the form of vocabulary, a lexicon for labeling something.– Visual images: Images, graphics, and imagery that support the frame as a whole. It can be in the form of photos, cartoons, or graphics to emphasize and support the message you want to convey. Roots: Causal analysis.– Appeals to principle: Basic premises, moral claims.– Consequences: The effects or consequences obtained from the frame.
Table I. Gamson and Modigliani Framing Devices

Results and Discussion

The MNC News Morning program believes that political news about the 2024 Presidential Election is information that the public needs to know so that they get to know more closely the Indonesian leader candidates they will elect in the 2024 Presidential Election. However, the political news publisher about the 2024 Presidential Election on the MNC News Morning Program is also known as propaganda so that the public believes it.

Representations of actors are presented by MNC News Morning in reporting on political news for the 2024 Presidential Election. MNC News Morning tries to frame political issues in real life to be very interesting and easy to understand. In its broadcast, MNC News Morning also shows the relationship between one another so that the actors seen in the news text above can be a measuring tool in analyzing the political propaganda of the presidential candidates in 2024.

Indonesia’s 2024 Presidential Election or Presidential Election is still a year away. However, a number of political elites in the country are already busy deciding on their choice of the presidential candidate. Like the MNC News Morning news program, it also took part in constructing the report regarding the election of Airlangga as a candidate for the presidential election in 2024, which was promoted by the DPD Golongan Karya Party or (Golkar) from the Special Region of Yogyakarta or (DIY).

Its Progsus news text explains that whomever the party wants to form a coalition with, the Golkar Party confirms that it will nominate Airlangga as the 2024 presidential candidate. This decision is in accordance with the results of the Golkar Party National Conference in 2019. In the news text broadcast on the MNC News Morning news program, it also explains that Airlangga Hartarto asked all administrators to win over the Golkar Party in Yogyakarta Province, targeting the DPR RI with two seats, the DPRD at the Provincial Level nine seats, and the DPRD at the Regency City Level 41 seats. An example of the framing of the MNC News Morning news program is given in Table II.

Framing devices Reasoning devices
Frame: The central organizing idea for making sense of relevant events, suggesting the issue.– Metaphors:President Airlangga’s screams echoed at the Golkar Party DPD halal bihalal event in the Special Region of Yogyakarta (DIY).”– Catchphrases:Airlangga Hartarto is running for Presidential Candidacy in 2024.”– Exemplars:Donald Trump officially announced his candidacy for the US Presidency in 2024 from the Republican Party. This was firmly announced to answer the public’s curiosity as voters for the presidential leadership.” Roots:The people need to know that the 2024 presidential candidates include Airlangga Hartarto, whom the Golkar Party supports.”– Appeals to principle:Airlangga Hartarto deserves to be the 2024 presidential candidate for the Golkar Party because apart from being the General Chair of the Golkar Party, he also has experience as Coordinating Minister for the Indonesian Economy for the 2019–2024 Period in the Advanced Indonesia Cabinet of President Joko Widodo and Vice President Ma’ruf Amin.”– Consequences:Airlangga Hartarto must compete fiercely with his political opponents to win the number one seat in Indonesia.”
Table II. Framing Devices Applied for Airlangga Hartarto, the Golkar Party Presidential Candidate

From the research results above, the researcher concluded that the frame carried out by the MNC News Morning news program stated that the Golkar Party had determined Airlangga Hartarto to run as a candidate for Presidency in 2024. This decision was made according to the 2019 Golkar Party National Conference results. By broadcasting the news above, the Golkar Party certainly hopes to gain public sympathy because they already know which presidential candidate for 2024 they will choose.

News 1

The news text framed by MNC News Morning includes transfer propaganda techniques, where the Golkar Party chose Airlangga Hartarto as the 2024 presidential candidate because he was considered to have high electability and had a good work program, so he had a big influence on the nation’s progress, including for the Golkar Party itself. Airlangga Hartarto himself is the General Chair of the Golkar Party, whom President Joko Widodo entrusted as Minister of Industry for the first period and Coordinating Minister for the Economy.

News 2

The second report, MNC News Morning, constructed news from the Chairman of the National Daily of the Perindo Party TGB Muhammad Zainul Madji, in a halal bihalal atmosphere from Al Azhar Indonesia alums in the Semarang area, Central Java. The script text framed by MNC News Morning explains that TGB asks Al Azhar Indonesia alums to maintain harmony amidst the increasing political tension. TBG hopes that Al-Azhar alums, wherever they are, can become agents of peace who can create a conducive situation. It is known that Al-Azhar alums are known to be moderate, so they can become agents of peace and can strengthen the spirit of brotherhood among the nation’s children.

From the results of the construction of the MNC News Morning news program, TGB said that he, an Al Azhar alumni, could become an agent of peace and spread the spirit of religious moderation in society. The context conveyed by TBG contains bandwagon propaganda because the content of the message it expresses can influence the members of its group. Apart from that, the context conveyed by TBG through mass media can also influence public opinion and attract public sympathy because of the content of the message conveyed regarding peace and harmony in an increasingly violent political situation.

News 3

The third report, the MNC News Morning news program, framed news regarding the electability of Gerindra Party Chairman Prabowo Subianto, again in the top position in a survey conducted by a number of Indonesian survey institutions. The script constructed by the MNC News Morning news program also explains that the survey also simulates that the Prabowo-Airlangga pair will win the 2024 presidential election with an electability rate of 47.5%.

The MNC News Morning news program frame explains that from the results of a survey held by LSI, Prabowo Subianto’s Gerindra Party experienced a significant increase, so it succeeded in occupying the top position. MNC News Morning framed the news material with the sentence that Prabowo and Airlangga got 47.5%, higher than their political opponents.

Here, the researcher assesses that the news framed by the MNC News Morning news program falls into the category of testimonial propaganda, where Prabowo’s real work as Minister of Defense is considered successful, thus having a big impact on his current electability. Therefore, Probowo Subainto is considered worthy to replace President Joko Widodo because he has integrity and experience in the political and military fields.

News 4

MNC News Morning also focuses on framing political news regarding the development of the Perindo Party, which is now starting to skyrocket in electability. The Perindo Party’s electability level in the 2024 election shows a positive trend. From the results of the latest survey by the National Survey Institute or LSN, which was conducted from April to May 22, 2023, the electability of the Perindo Party was at 5.1%.

The MNC News Morning news program frame explains that the Perindo Party’s electability level in the 2024 election is experiencing a positive trend. From the results of the latest survey by the National Survey Institute or LSN, which was conducted from April to May 22, 2023, the electability of the Perindo Party was at 5.1%. So, looking at the existing reality, the Perindo Party seems increasingly confident and optimistic about being able to enter the Senayan building.

The skyrocketing electability of the Perindo Party ahead of the 2024 elections cannot be separated from the hard work of party cadres who have a program for distributing carts to small traders. The news text framed by the MNC News Morning news program shows that the Perindo Party has unintentionally carried out propaganda that falls into the manipulative category. The Perindo Party is consciously trying to influence voters by offering various forms of goods to gain public sympathy, one of which is giving carts to SMEs in a number of areas, including public transportation drivers.

News 5

MNC News Morning constructs news from the Chairman of the National Daily DPP Perindo Party TGB Muhammad Zainul Madji, also the General Chair of PB NWDI, inviting the public to stay away from hatred and emphasize religion as a spirit that suppresses goodness.

In the news text framed by MNC News Morning, TGB Muhammad Zainul Madji asked the public to maintain unity in facing the political year and not be divided just because of different choices. Apart from that, TBG Muhammad also invited the public to implement democracy wisely and avoid feelings of hatred, including towards the candidates who will later compete.

The frame of the MNC News Morning news program explained that the Daily General Chair of the Perindo Party DPP, who is also the General Chair of PB NWDI, TGB Muhammad Zainul Madji invited the people of Central Lombok, NTB, to stay away from hatred and emphasize religion as an emphasis on goodness, this he said at the time currently attending tablig akbar and halal bihalal events in Central Lombok, NTB.

News 6

MNC News Morning constructs news about the Perindo Party by holding a people’s party. The text explains that before registering legislative candidates in 2024 with the General Election Commission (KPU), cadres and sympathizers, as well as MSMEs assisted by the Perindo Party, gathered at the Perindo Party DPP office to hold a parade, eat free meatballs with Hary Tanoesudibjo, and watch attractions in Master Limbad’s magic in the Suropati Menteng Park area, Central Jakarta.

The framing constructed by MNC News Morning regarding the report on the Perindo Party’s title as a people’s party before registering Legislative Candidates for the 2024 election contains elements of plain folk propaganda. Seen in the framing, the General Chair of the Perindo Party appears as if he is a populist because he wants to eat meatballs together with his cadres and sympathizers. Here, it is depicted that Hary Tanoesudibjo seems to be a part of the community itself. Furthermore, this propaganda is carried out with all its habit and simplicity.

News 7

The Perindo Lamongan Party registered legislative candidate candidates with the Lamongan KPUD. The Perindo Party submitted files for 42 Legislative Candidates with the target of gaining one faction in the District Level DPRD. Meanwhile, the Surabaya City Perindo Party registered Legislators in five electoral districts with the Surabaya City KPUD. Moreover, the files provided by the Pernido Party were declared complete. In Buleleng Regency, Bali, the Perindo Party DPD administrators registered 25 Legislators from 6 electoral districts for the Regency DPRD with the local KPUD. The Perindo Party has also achieved a minimum representation of female legislative candidates of 30%.

In the context of the news broadcast by MNC News Morning, researchers interpret that the content of the message conveyed was propaganda for mass marches. The Perindo Party emphasized that the party created by Hary Tanoesudibjo could compete on an equal footing with other parties born much earlier. Then, the news text constructed by MNC News Morning also stated that a number of Regional Perindo Party DPW and DPD administrators had registered their legislative candidates with the KPUD of each region, including the representation of female legislative candidates at a minimum of 30 percent. This shows that the Perindo Party is strong enough to compete with even newly born parties, for example, the Labor Party and the Gelora Indonesia Party. Together with its cadres and sympathizers, the Perindo Party expressed its solidarity and support.

News 8

MNC News Morning broadcasted news about Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto, winning in North Sumatra, Banten, and West Java, from a survey of presidential candidates held by LSI Denny J-A. Meanwhile, the Ganjar nominations in East Java and Central Java could also be eroded by Prabowo Subianto, with Jokowi volunteers fighting against Prabowo and Jokowi volunteers fighting against Ganjar.

Defense Minister Prabowo Subianto won in North Sumatra, Banten, and West Java, based on the results of a survey of prospective presidential candidates in 2024 held by LSI Denny J-A. The survey results of the MNC News Morning news program showed that Prabowo Subianto was ahead in West Java with 29% of the vote, North Sumatra with 50%, and Banten with 48.2%.

Here, the researcher assesses that the news framed by the MNC News Morning news program falls into the category of testimonial propaganda, where Prabowo’s real work as Minister of Defense is considered successful, thus impacting his current electability. Therefore, Probowo Subainto is considered worthy to replace President Joko Widodo because he has integrity and experience in the political and military fields.

News 9

MNC News Morning created news about the Eid moment, which was widely used by a number of presidential candidates by holding meetings with figures and residents dressed in halal bihalal. The presidential candidate, Ganjar Pranowo, visited the residence of Kiai Haji Mustofa Bisri or Gus Mus. Gus Mus is one of the crucial figures of Nahdatul Ulama or NU, Indonesia’s most prominent Islamic organization. Meanwhile, Ganjar’s visit to Gus Mus was the first time after Ganjar was appointed as a presidential candidate from the PDI-Perjuangan.

Researchers also observed that the current Safari of presidential candidates has increased in intensity since fasting until after Eid, including the presidential candidate from the coalition of change, Anies Baswedan, who also has many agendas in order to gather support for the 2024 presidential election. Anies previously attended a series of activities in Garut and received invitations from residents and sympathizers.

For the media, especially television, presenting news about the Presidential Election has become a news program agenda planned long in advance and routinely available and prepared by the editorial team. Moreover, the presented content can potentially increase ratings and high audience share. If this is the case, the result will be abundant coffers for the management of the television station concerned.

The problem is, apart from ratings and audience share, the television newsroom is not a sterile space, as stated by Gaye Tuchman. There are political interests behind the news reports presented to the public. We know that television media can be a very effective political propaganda tool in influencing the wider community because television electronic media can be seen, heard, and easily understood by the general public.

From the information above, it can be concluded that the owner of the Perindo Party, Harry Tanoesudibjo, also the owner of MNC News Morning, has joined the PDI-Perjuangan and PPP coalition. So, all the content formed in the framing of MNC News Morning really influences the political policies desired by the media owner. Until now, the Perindo Party does not have a voice in parliament, so HT has carried out political marketing in various ways in a number of broadcast media that he owns so that his party can be accepted in the hearts of the people.


Based on the research and discussion results: (1) The propaganda that emerged was transfer propaganda. (2) Halal Bi Halal news from Al Azhar Egypt Alumni falls into bandwagon propaganda. (3) News on Prabowo Subianto’s electability features testimonial propaganda. (4) News about the skyrocketing electability of the Perindo Party falls into manipulative propaganda. (5) Tabligh Akbar news and Halal Bi Halal NWDI also represent bandwagon propaganda. (6) The Perindo Party People’s Party news contains plain folks propaganda. (7) News on Perindo Party legislative candidate registration exemplifies mass march propaganda. (8) Survey results for Prabowo Subianto include elements of testimonial propaganda. (9) The political safari for presidential candidates features plain folks propaganda. (10) The tenth report uses transfer propaganda.

Researchers advise the public to be careful when watching news in the mass media, especially during the political year. Many messages are distributed to campaign for legislative candidates in a political year. Therefore, the public must be able to filter the news and become intelligent viewers.


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